The Human Condition // Richard Weller

Start Date
2 November, 2024
End Date
14 December, 2024

Challenging the perceived exceptionalism of humanity, Weller represents a series of forty eight paintings of animals and their associated symbolism to consider what it means to be human in the era of the Anthropocene. Why look at animals? Through doing so, “for better or worse, we construct what it means to be human. That is, we construct culture through assertions of its differences and similarities to that which we simultaneously imagine as nature. As is now apparent on a planetary scale, these assertions have life and death consequences for all living things.” Richard Weller 2024

+ d i a s p o r a e  |  Stuart Elliott

Based on Stuart Elliott’s long-term fascination with built environments, comes from an interest in environments that are not currently active and viable but rather those that are abandoned, degraded and superseded. These might be ruins, places that have degraded silently over time or those devastated by sudden violent action. Elliott presents a series of environments devoid of linear interpretation accompanied by painted wall works, digital prints and video.

For enquiries, sales, interviews, further information and images available for reproduction, contact Laetitia Wilson, P. +61 8 6217 2641 | M. +61 424 931 242 or email [email protected]

Header Image: Richard Weller, The Human Condition (Dugong), 2024

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no.10 Gallery

During an exhibition period
Open: Tues – Sat, 11am – 5pm
Closed: Public Holidays
BY APPOINTMENT all other times for general business matters

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 8 6217 2640
Address: 10 Douglas Street, Gooyaman | West Perth WA 6005

Vasse Felix Gallery

Open: Daily, 10am – 5pm
Closed: Good Friday, 13 Dec; Christmas Day, 25 Dec; and Boxing Day, 26 Dec.

Phone: +61 8 9756 5000
Address: Cnr Tom Cullity Dr & Caves Rd, Cowaramup WA 6284
Directions: Please click HERE for directions to Vasse Felix


Contact us

Holmes à Court Gallery
Janet Holmes à Court Collection

Dr. Laetitia Wilson
Curator & Gallery Manager
[email protected]

Louise Dickmann
Collection Coordinator
[email protected]

Elsie Metcalf
PA to Janet Holmes à Court AC | Event Enquiries
[email protected]

no.10 Venue Hire Enquiries: Click HERE for Venue Hire Information Pack

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