Monique Tippett is an exceptionally talented Western Australian artist whose artwork is deeply interconnected with the protection of the forested areas of the Darling Ranges.
Tippett makes large scale, abstract, minimal sculptural works out of recycled timbers. She describes her works as ‘small devotions, offerings, whispered prayers for the protection of the forest’. Like altars to nature, they each resonate with the spirit of trees, the shape of the land, the glow of the moon and sun and both the still and rushing water of her immediate environment.
My Darling II – Orisons brings together a series of new works.
To be officially opened by Janet Holmes à Court AC
6.00pm – 8.00pm | Friday, 16th July 2021
Light refreshment will be served – RSVP essential by 14th July 2021
During an exhibition period Open: Tues-Fri 12pm – 5pm | Sat 12pm – 4pm Closed: Public Holidays
BY APPOINTMENT all other times for general business matters