Extraction is a group exhibition focused on the extractive industry in all of its forms (from mining and drilling to the reckless exploitation of water, soil, trees, marine life, and other natural resources). It is connected to a broader global project to expose and interrogate extraction’s negative social and environmental consequences, from the damage done to people, especially indigenous and disenfranchised communities, to ravaged landscapes and poisoned water to climate change and its many troubling implications. See: codexfoundation.org
Susanna Castleden, Sarah Elson, Bevan Honey, Clyde McGill, Riley Salmon-Lomas, Ric Spencer and Roderick Sprigg.
ARTIST TALKS: 2 – 4pm | 26 June 2021
Join artists Susanna Castleden, Sarah Elson, Clyde McGill and Ric Spencer as they share insights into their works in relation to the exhibition theme of Extraction.
RSVP Acceptances Essential via Humanitix : https://events.humanitix.com/extraction-artist-talks-sat-26th-june-2pm
This exhibition is being hosted by Clyde McGill & Friends
For further information contact : Clyde McGill | [email protected]
Exhibition Hours : Tues – Sat | 11am – 5pm | 12 – 25 June 2021