The works in the series Momento of Clarity act as an unsettling, humorous metaphor for the confusion and dilemmas of current times and reflect a post truth world. They present an emotional and social landscape of our contemporary lives. Elusive and emotive, the images straddle abstraction and figuration, echoing the advents of communications and rationales rising and reforming only to collide and slump chaotically around us.
Momento refers to the idea of the Lava lamp being a relic or reminder of a specific time in recent history. The Mathmos light or Lava Lamps invention coincided with the 60s counterculture revolution and the generational shifts in consciousness and attitudes which accompanied it. I am interested in how this device has been relegated to the past, and exists now as a novelty kitsch item, albeit with nostalgic allure. Similar to neon lighting, breeze blocks and other discarded items consistent with the type of imagery contained in my paintings.
This series continues the still life presentations of my previous shows: Iota Massive, Comfort of Stone, Semi-Precious, Wormwood Aniseed Fennel, BC AC Body Clock Atomic Clock.
Ron Nyisztor 2021
This exhibition is being hosted by Ron Nyisztor, for any enquiries contact :
Ron Nyisztor | [email protected] | 0414 459 503 |
Exhibition Hours : Tues – Sat | 11am – 5pm | 7 – 26 May 2021