
Steven Harvey // Peter Sharp // Kate Turner

11 Brown Street, East Perth WA 6004
Start Date
13 September, 2003
End Date
2 November, 2003

A tribute to Western Australia in association with LIVERPOOL ST GALLERY, SYDNEY.

Following the artists visit to Western Australia earlier this year, this exhibition features three interpretations and experiences of our landscape by three talented and collectable young artists.

All works are available for purchase.

“Noticing a landscape forming itself around me, almost in a circle which occasionally would outline my sporadic movement, was a landscape made up of paint tins, tubes, splattered pots… sometimes smoothly encrusted and covered in paint. Stalagmites of oil paint were forming themselves into organic blocks or pinnacle shapes resembling familiar landscapes… growing underneath the paintings hanging on the wall in the studio… and so I began to paint them like you would a still life. I was painting paint…”

Peter spent time in WA early in his life and has fond memories of water and sky. Visiting Albany and finding the Whaling Station Museum became the catalyst for a whole new body of work that includes painting, sculpture, drawing and prints. Drawing from a huge collection of whalebones at the Museum provided the means and forms for his studio work, an enchanting evocation of whale. Without direct representation, the work is as much about how a whale moves through water as about their size and surface texture.

This series of paintings by Kate Turner is based on her visit to Western Australia in early 2003. The field trip encompassed from Jurien Bay in the north, to Grass Valley on The Great Eastern Highway and then south to Shannon National Park and the Margaret River region. The paintings are horizonless renderings which evoke a memory of fields and vistas, the heavily textured surfaces of oil paint catching the light as the viewer moves around the canvas.

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no.10 Gallery

During an exhibition period
Open: Tues-Fri 12pm – 5pm | Sat 12pm – 4pm
Closed: Public Holidays
BY APPOINTMENT all other times for general business matters

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 8 6217 2640
Address: 10 Douglas Street, Gooyaman | West Perth WA 6005

Vasse Felix Gallery

Open: Daily, 10am – 5pm
Closed: Good Friday, 17 Dec; Christmas Day, 25 Dec; and Boxing Day, 26 Dec.

Phone: +61 8 9756 5000
Address: Cnr Tom Cullity Dr & Caves Rd, Cowaramup WA 6284
Directions: Please click HERE for directions to Vasse Felix


Contact us

Holmes à Court Gallery
Janet Holmes à Court Collection

Elsie Metcalf
PA to Janet Holmes à Court AC | Operations Manager
[email protected]

Dr. Laetitia Wilson
Curator & Gallery Manager
[email protected]

Louise Dickmann
Collection Coordinator
[email protected]

no.10 Venue Hire Enquiries: Click HERE for Venue Hire Information Pack

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